Lower 3DBB Disk / Brush Sander

Lower specializes in this area of sanding. This is a fine piece of machinery if you want to sand sealer or whitewood

MA ID: FSA - 13533
Price: $28,500.00


Manufacturer: Lower
Model: DiscMaster 3DBB
Year of Manufacture: 2005
Condition: Very Good
Electric: 480 Voltage 60 Cycle 3 Phase
Lower DiscMaster 3DBB Sander

DiscMaster 53" de-nibbing and brushing sander with 2 rollers and 3 rows of oscillating disc sanders

1350mm (53") max material width

100mm (4") max thickness

Disc Station:  16x 10″ discs, each with 24 keyways, 75mm long, 2x 1.5KW gear motors, variable speed discs 50-300rpm, eccentric orbital disc movement, separate height adjustment of disc station - to run discs only or rollers only or both

Discs and rollers are both reversible for 2 grit sanding 

Rotating Roller Spindles:  2x 2″ diameter spindles positioned 90deg to the feed with 400mm (16″) diameter brushes, 2x 2.2KW (3HP) gear motors, variable speed 14-300rpm, spindles are (reversible) counter rotating and have individual speed controls

 4x  Spring loaded material hold-down rolls

10hp Vacuum bed / blower

2hp feed Motor  3-15mpm (8-50') variable speed

Motorized table height adjustment

DRO showing thickness of material

Sensor controlled pneumatic oscillation

Constant pass –line

Front mounted control panel

Emergency shut-offs at infeed and outfeed

Automatic shut off for over-thickness

8x dust hoods  3@  3.2″ diameter,   4@  5.6″ diameter   1@  8″ diameter

Dust collection manifold

Original manual and documentation

Shipping Footprint: 120 (length) x 86 (width) x 96 (height)
Weight: 9000 lbs
All Information including Photos and Videos are supplied by a 3rd party Source.
Please confirm all data before committing to a purchase.
*Subject to credit approval. Additional programs available.
Click Herefor More Info or call Product Manager Gary Carney 877-622-4657 x101
Lower 3DBB Disk / Brush Sander
Lower 3DBB Disk / Brush Sander
Lower 3DBB Disk / Brush Sander
Lower 3DBB Disk / Brush Sander
Lower 3DBB Disk / Brush Sander
Lower 3DBB Disk / Brush Sander

Demo of actual machine